The Thirsty Hound of Highview was founded in 2019 at 7207 Fegenbush Lane. Yesterday management posted the Louisville Service Industry private Fb group that as of January 31, 2025, the Thirsty Hound will be closing, and if anyone in the biz is interested in opening at the current space, please contact them.
I’m fully aware that the industry page is private, and for this reason I’m not cutting, pasting or embedding. However mention also has been made at the sports grill’s regular Fb page, and obviously management seeks to pass the baton in some manner, so here we are.
The regular customers have ample time to say goodbye, and this isn’t always the case. Good for them. The Thirsty Hound’s calendar of events is packed through its projected end date, so get over there, pull up a pew — and have a few.