2022 has been a year of reckoning for Louisville bars. Many continue to successfully weather the seemingly endless perfect storm of an atrophied labor pool, skyrocketing costs, ceaseless societal distemper, and for some of them, plain bad luck. But others have called a halt.

On October 13 the owners of Diamond Station (2280 Bardstown Road in the Highlands; a neighborhood sports bar) published their goodbye to regular customers, as penned by John Packwood. I’ve read many of these notes (too damn many). They’re never easy, and often gut-wrenching. Packwood’s parting thoughts strike me as uncommonly succinct, factual and emotional, rolled together all at once.

Hi all.

Hard to believe Kyle and I opened Diamond Station almost 5 1/2 years ago. Even harder to believe that we’ve been dealing with the pandemic for almost half of that time. It’s been a tough time for many businesses – particularly those in the service industry. We have struggled but you all stuck with us. It is unfortunately now to the point where we can’t provide a consistent product and financially, we never could recover from the events that started on March 18, 2020.

I knew the end was in sight but my goal was to make it to the end of the year with a celebratory send off hanging out with you all but that goal is no longer achievable. My biggest concern has come true and that is not having the chance to physically say good bye. I hate posting this surprise announcement because it’s not fair to all of you who have supported us through the years and for that I am sorry. Effective immediately, Diamond Station has permanently closed its doors.

If I could do it again, would I? Probably not, but I am so glad that I did because I got to meet all of you.

Take care

P.S. For all the regulars (and there are a lot of you), PM me privately for some additional info

Thank you

John Packwood