In New Albany on the north side, a local brewery and pizzeria will be combining forces in October.
Donum Dei Brewstillery (3211 Grant Line Rd.; see previous F & D mentions here) is currently operational, with house-made beer and spirits for on-premises consumption and carryout.
8th St. Pizza (founded 2016) has been on hiatus since May 2024 owing to an unfavorable lease situation, which I explained at the time.
The pizzeria’s owner Jeff Minton began chatting with Rick Otey, the owner, brewer and distiller at Donum Dei, and a partnership plan has evolved. I profiled Donum Dei at F & D long ago; it opened in 2015. Rick’s beard is no longer quite as brown.
To repeat, the target date for “combined forces” (might I propose this as a name for an official collaboration beer, preferably a nice, drinkable British-style pale ale for daddy?) is October.
As an aside, Donum Dei is the venue for The Pubcast, a current side project of mine, and you can listen to the episode we recorded featuring 8th St. Pizza by going here:
Edibles & Potables: Listening to goat cheese, hot peppers, pizza, donuts and craft beer