Baking for Passover is among the trickier cooking tasks a dedicated baker can confront. Wheat flour is verboten, no corn product sweeteners either.
But baking tempting desserts for Passover can be done, as Paula Shoyer will demonstrate Thursday, April 10 at 6:30 p.m. at The Wine Studio @ 610 Magnolia, 621 W. Magnolia Ave., across the street from the restaurant.
Shoyer competed on the Food Network’s show “Sweet Genius,” and runs Paula’s Parisian Pastries Cooking School in the Washington, D.C., area. At the class, she will show how to use alternatives to flour, such as potato starch, matzoh meal and ground nuts to create delicious desserts that meet all the dietary restrictions of kosher for Passover.
Tickets are $36; $18 for ages 29 and under. The Jewish community Center, which is organizing the event as a fundraiser for the Jewish Federation of Louisville, wanted to make the event accessible to younger people, and hope the half-price for those under 30 will be attractive.
RSVP by April 4 to Kristy Benefield or call (502) 238-2739.