The nonprofit Jewish Family & Career Services (JFCS) was founded in 1908 and provides comprehensive human services in the Louisville area.
JFCS … serves the entire community with programs focusing on family, work, education, older adults, immigrants and refugees. We offer a variety of services to help community members in all seasons of life.
On May 14, JFCS will honor its 2020 Mosaic Award winners with a reception, dinner and program at the Louisville Marriott Downtown (280 W. Jefferson Street).
A Salute to International Americans
JFCS’s signature fundraising event recognizes new or first-generation immigrants and refugees who are making a significant contribution in their profession and in our community. Providing programs and services for International Americans has been a part of the JFCS mission since its founding. By recognizing outstanding individuals who have succeeded in various fields, JFCS underscores the importance of the contributions that International Americans have made in our community and recognizes and spotlights the crucial role that newcomers play in creating a vibrant community.
2020 Mosaic Award honorees include Bapion Ziba, owner of Ziba’s Bistro in the Logan Street Market. He’s a native of Burkina Faso.
Following are the other four Mosaic winners for 2020.