Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Taste of the Bluegrass Trail: Pine Mountain Took My Breath Away

Naturalist Keith Bowling told me Pine Mountain was the first state park in Kentucky, and I discovered it’s also the furthest stop from Louisville...

Taste of the Bluegrass Trail: Blue Licks Battlefield Offers History and a Quiet Get...

According to the State Parks website, “On August 19, 1782, nearly seventy Kentuckians died in what some historians have called the “Last Battle of...

Pawpaw season has begun!

I mentioned in the recent F&D recipe story about pawpaws (below) that I would make a point to inform readers when paw paws are available...

Logan Street Market Plans New Food Haven for Food Desert

The Phoenix Hill neighborhood is getting a new market, and it’s slated to open early next year on the corner of Logan and Kentucky...

Benefit Food Programs At Farm To Table Summer Party Wednesday

It can’t get much fresher than eating outside right next to a garden where food is being grown, and that’s exactly what will happen...

Blues, Brews & BBQ This Weekend: Today Last Day For Discounted Tickets Online

Is it really summer in Kentucky without barbecue or music festivals?  Now that Forecastle is again behind us, it’s time to turn our ears...

Taste of the Bluegrass Trail: Western Waterlands – Kentucky Dam Village

If you want to see a national recreational area without leaving the state, head south west from Louisville to the Land Between the Lakes....

Get Your Taste On and Support Apron, inc July 22

Apron, Inc helps restaurant and service industry workers who find themselves in financial need through no fault of their own, and there will be...

Grassa Gramma Searches for a Gramma

Louisvillians have been watching and waiting for Kevin Grangier's (Village Anchor, Le Moo) new spot in Holiday Manor since it was announced in 2017. ...

Congrats, Caroline Knop at Simply PR

Friday we asked for our readers to tag us in their holiday food photos to be entered to win a $25 restaurant gift card....