Friday, April 26, 2024

The Taste Bud: Kevin ingests an Armageddon pepper and shares his pain

Here at Food & Dining Magazine, we're as enamored of Johnny Knoxville-style exhibitionist stunts as the next food and drink publication, so when our friend and colleague Kevin Gibson revealed his epic encounter with...

Edibles & Potables: Deep dives into Dijon mustard with Emily Monaco

Edibles & Potables is a Sunday morning repository for items that fall outside our Louisville metro coverage area.  A few months ago, I bookmarked a link to an article about a mustard shortage, spotlighting mustard...

The Taste Bud: Kevin discovers Wild Planet canned tuna

This video documenting the traditional process of canning sardines in Portugal is worth your time, but it's probably best that we refrain from discussing canned mackerel from the USSR, which I tried a couple...

The McTaste Bud? Use McBroken, find functional McDonald’s ice cream machines

Strictly speaking, our friend Kevin Gibson didn't file this submission under his catch-all "The Taste Bud," leaving it to his readers to decipher any deeper meanings by measuring the distance between tongue and cheek. But...

The Taste Bud: Kevin’s delicious double cheeseburger at Resch’s Tavern in Clarksville

According to hamburger scholar George Motz, the origins of America's most popular sandwich can be traced to 13th-century Mongolia, where Mongls and Tatars were battling for primacy. “Apparently, the Tatars had a taste for raw...

Edibles & Potables: Chicken tikka masala and the death of Britain’s curry king

As I was saying two years ago... India achieved independence in 1947, and the fact that today, in the midst of Brexit and right-wing populist backlash, chicken tikka masala remains warmly embedded in the British...

Edibles & Potables: Food destined for pairing with libations

Welcome to 2023. Feeling all right? I've long since embraced the old fart's tactical New Year's Eve, starting and finishing quite early in the day. My beers yesterday were nice, and I'm largely pain-free, having...

All about Boxing Day (2022 remix)

Boxing Day is a Christmas season custom originating in Britain, and persisting in former British colonial dominions, with the earliest known reference coming in 1833. There are two main theories to explain this observance. One...

Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings, Happy Holidays

 What is your family's tradition for food and drink on Christmas Day? One of my favorite Christmas movies isn't Die Hard. It's the somber and elegiac The Dead (1987), adapted from the novella by James Joyce....

Scrooge commences his annual journey of enlightenment

Scrooge (1970) is the musical version of the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol, starring the late, great Albert Finney. In the truest sense of "literally", studios don't make films like this any longer. Finney...