Thursday, May 2, 2024

Choose your favorite cocktail in annual B-town Road Aglow Bourbon Battle competition

Bars and restaurants along Bardstown Road and Baxter Avenue are mixing up holiday-inspired cocktails for the chance of being named champion in fourth-annual Four Roses Holiday Bourbon Battle. According to a news release, the competition...

Order today! Get a restaurant Turkey Day feast delivered to your home

You’ve probably seen Takeout Taxi signs around town for years, but this year the service is partnering with Austin’s and Buca di Beppo to deliver Thanksgiving Day dinner to your home.  Yep. A roasted bird...

Two Bourbon Women Association events scheduled for December

Drink up, bourbon-loving ladies! The Bourbon Women Association has two events left on its holiday season schedule that you don’t want to miss. The Bourbon Women Association recently announced its event schedule for the holiday...

Now taking orders at Varanese for annual turducken meals

Ever heard of a turducken? Though it sounds nearly like a foul word, it’s actually just a fowl word describing the mealtime mashup of a turkey stuffed with a boned duck that’s stuffed with a...

Get a free artisan pizza today at Rocky’s and Panini

To generate buzz for its new $7 Artisan Super Thin Pizza lineup, Rocky’s Pizza & Panini is doling out freebies from 5-9 p.m. at its store today (Nov. 18) in the Gardiner Lane Shopping...

Sour power: Holy Grale hosting 2nd-annual St. Sours Day Sunday Nov. 24

Do you like sour beer? No, not the kind you left in your truck over the summer … and the winter … and dug out in the spring thinking, “Oh, I bet that age gave...

Heritage-breed Hog + ‘Pappy’ + Star Chefs = annual feast at Proof

If you’ve never been to the annual Hog and Barrel dinner at Proof on Main—and you’ve got $125 lying around for a splurge meal—it’s highly suggested you seek a reservation ASAP. It’s arguably one...

Get in the belly! Newest Potbelly Sandwich Shop opening Nov. 12

If you like good sandwiches—and who doesn’t?—you might want to visit Louisville’s second Potbelly Sandwich Shop when it opens Nov. 12 (4300 Summit Plaza Dr. in Paddock Shops). The new unit will employ about 30...

We’ll drink to this: Louisville’s Distilled Spirits Epicenter featured on ‘Moonshiners’

Fans of the hit TV show, “Moonshiners,” may not know that characters Bill and Josh, the hard luck hill boys who had little success making their high-octane hooch last season, came to Louisville’s Distilled...

Shaken, not stirred: Moonshine University hosts Gin Enthusiast class Nov. 9

Finally, a gin class in the heart of Bourbon Country! No, it’s not sacrilege, it’s diversity that promotes knowledge in the mind, variety on the bar and great flavors in the glass. The Food & Dining...