Thursday, January 23, 2025

Tough Love For Lager

It was the summer of 1985, and my very first time in Germany, with exact whereabouts in the Alpine foothills of Bavaria lost to posterity, but the specific scene is still quite clear: A small...

6 White Wines Under $12

Vintage when used to refer to the quality of a particular year is always a source of debate and, ultimately, subjectivity. Often, too much is said about vintage, especially when it comes to value white...

Shuckman’s Fish Company

With a ready laugh and sparkle in his eyes, Lewis Shuckman projects an easy-going joie de vivre, perhaps evidence of his satisfaction heading the third generation of a family business founded in 1919. At Shuckman’s Fish Co. &...

$10 Challenge — Annie’s Cafe: Vietnamese restaurants warm welcome

"It's hard to find a place where everybody knows your name when you're a vagabond." I've lived in seven different cities since I graduated from high school. By the time I became familiar with my...

Easy Entertaining — Home for the Holidays

Holidays can be stressful. End-of-year entertaining can present special challenges that don't plague your average host during less hectic seasons. With the never-ending parade of office celebrations, neighborhood gatherings and family functions, holiday parties often seem...

Humor — So why shouldn’t veggies glow in the dark?

It is no secret that guys avoid eating fruits and vegetables whenever possible. And who can blame them? Frankly, eating produce can be extremely dangerous. Nature has spent millions of years equipping her plants with...

Humor — Thankspigging: the beginning of a new tradition.

The Thankspigging Manifesto. On November twenty-something, most Americans will sit down to a Thanksgiving dinner. They will eat turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, dressings and casseroles. They will finish with pumpkin pie, wipe their mouths,...

Old World Character with a New Age Spirit – Dumante Verdenoce

Have you tried Dumante, that ancient nutty liqueur sipped for ages in pistachio groves of Sicily? Don’t feel bad if you haven’t, because Dumante has only been out since Fall of 2007, although its rich,...

Humor — A Modest Proposal

Opinion is divided regarding the Food Network on cable television these days. Some complain that it has gotten away from its roots. Instead of a real chef in a real kitchen cooking real food, critics...

Humor — Source This!

If you are growing weary of hyper-descriptive menus making implausible claims about the ancestry of their radishes, you are not alone. I too have noticed this escalating trend, which results in turgid descriptions like...